Types of Conferences
Conferences can be as diverse as possible from the mundane to most elaborate innovative ideas. Range from school level to super specialty levels in different programs and businesses. However, irrespective of the range of conference, some of the similarities do exist and yet, there are some differences. The following are certain examples:
Academic conferences
Are held for twin reasons. Many a time Conferences are held in academic domain to exchange the certain recent developments in research, inventions and so on that can be disseminated across to the wider population having similar interests in a common platform so that there can be healthier discussions and exchange of ideas. This apart, conferences are also thought off in various types of businesses and for the personnel of the organization in business as well.
Medical conferences
Medical conferences are an integral part of 21st century for twin reasons namely a. the doctors and other professionals in the healthcare sectors need to keep up-breast with the recent developments as there is more involvement of technology in diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical interventions. Added to this almost all the healthcare boards across the globe have made it mandatory for the healthcare professionals to earn certain number of academic hours in the form of conference attendance in order to keep the person’s license active.
Business conferences
Business conferences could be in the form of:
- Annual meetings of the shareholders
- Common platform to bring across the personnel of the same broader entity from different parts of the world to familiarize the direction and share best practices
- CEOs, COOs, CFOs etc., from different business companies can be brought to a common platform to have discussions are challenges ahead and to think of some trouble shootings.
Training conferences
In other words, it could be stated as workshops or live demonstrations or hands on experience. Such workshops are most essential and integral to have the employees to have up-skill and re-skill their abilities. Training conferences are a must in any organization at regular intervals to be in sync with the changing